Monday, August 30, 2010

Coq Au Vin - recipe by Shannon Bennett

Coq Au Vin - Recipe by Shannon Bennett
The ingredients for Coq Au Vin.
Recipe from Shannon Bennett's cook book 'My French Vue Bistro Cooking at Home'.

Cost is about 40AUD for serve of 6 - including costs for mashed potato and beans, and of course some sweet wine leftover for drinking
While Shannon Bennett suggests ceramic or copper pots, I used clay pot instead cause there ain't any larger pot. Very Chinese!

Salt and pepper to taste!

Coq Au Vin and Mashed potato- recipe adapted from Masterchef, with some extra --> a few precious drops of white truffle oil!

We separated the chicken from the gravy.

Our dinner - this picture shows: chicken butt from our Coq Au Vin, mashed potato and green beans.

Bon Appetit!

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